ISTANA AGRO BATU adalah salah satu produsen & pemasok (supplier) khususnya produk makanan & minuman khas Kota Batu serta hasil pertanian & budidaya peternakan hasil dari Kota Batu Jawa Timur dengan alamat kantor (Office) di : Jl. Hasanudin Kota Batu Jawa Timur dan tempat kerja (Work Shop) terdapat pada : Desa Tulung Rejo Batu & Desa Jurang Kuwali Batu (Pertanian), Desa Sido Mulyo Batu & Desa Jeding Batu (Peternakan).
CASTLE AGRO BATU is one of the manufacturers & suppliers (suppliers), particularly food & beverage products typical of Batu City and agricultural and aquaculture farms result of Batu City in East Java with the address of the office (Office) at: Jl. Hasanudin Batu City in East Java and the workplace (Work Shop) is located at: Village Tulung Rejo Batu City & Village Jurang Kuwali Batu City (Agriculture), the village of Sido Mulyo Batu City & village Jeding Batu City (Livestock).
Kota Batu banyak mempunyai potensi & sumberdaya alam yang dapat di explore dan masih sangat terbuka luas untuk mendapatkan pangsa pasar baik didalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Oleh sebab itu dengan hadirnya ISTANA AGRO BATU mungkin akan mempermudah bagi kami yang berada di Kota Batu serta mungkin bagi para peminat (Konsumen / Agen / Distributor) baik perorangan maupun kelompok untuk saling berbagi kepentingan yang berkaitan dengan produk-produk yang kami miliki.
Batu City has a lot of potential and natural resources can explore and still very wide open to get a good market share in the country and abroad. Therefore, the presence of CASTLE AGRO BATU may be easier for us who are in Stone Town as well as possible for the enthusiasts (Consumer / Agent / Distributor), both individuals and groups to share interests related to the products that we have.
Batu City has a lot of potential and natural resources can explore and still very wide open to get a good market share in the country and abroad. Therefore, the presence of CASTLE AGRO BATU may be easier for us who are in Stone Town as well as possible for the enthusiasts (Consumer / Agent / Distributor), both individuals and groups to share interests related to the products that we have.
ISTANA AGRO BATU sudah 5 tahun bergerak dibidang produksi makanan ringan / camilan, baik bermitra dengan industri rumahan makanan ringan (Home Industry) / pabrik makanan ringan yang ada di wilayah Kota Batu, maupun makanan ringan yang proses produksinya kami proses sendiri dengan label / merk dagang "Cap Bola Dunia". Makanan ringan / Camilan yang saat ini kami sediakan berorientasi kepada makanan ringan / camilan khas Kota Batu Jawa Timur antara lain :
- Keripik buah : Keripik nangka, keripik apel, keripik salak, keripik mangga, keripik melon, keripik jambu, keripik semangka, keripik nanas, keripik sukun, keripik jagung, dll.
- Keripik umbi : Keripik kentang, keripik singkong, keripik ubi jalar ungu, dll.
- Keripik sayur - sayuran.
CASTLE AGRO BATU already 5 years engaged in the production of light meals / snacks, a good partner with snacks cottage industry (Home Industry) / snacks factory which is in the City of Stone, as well as snacks production process our own process with label / trademark " Ball World Labels ". Light meals / snacks that we currently oriented to provide snacks / snack typical Batu in East Java, among others:
1. Fruit Crisps : jackfruit chips, apple chips, bark chips, mango chips,
1. Fruit Crisps : jackfruit chips, apple chips, bark chips, mango chips,
crisps melon, guava chips, chips, watermelon, pineapple chips,
breadfruit chips, corn chips, etc..
2. Chips tubers : potato chips, cassava chips, sweet potato chips,
2. Chips tubers : potato chips, cassava chips, sweet potato chips,
purple, etc..
3. Vegetable chips - vegetables.
3. Vegetable chips - vegetables.
ISTANA AGRO BATU melayani selain produk makanan ringan selain bersumber bahan dasarnya dari buah-buahan & sayur-sayuran juga menyediakan produksi makanan ringan / camilan umum yang proses produksinya kami lakukan sendiri dan ada pula kami lakukan dengan cara kemitraan baik kelompok maupun perorangan memanfaatkan potensi sumberdaya manusia disekitar wilayah Kota Batu Jawa Timur. Adapun produk-produk makanan ringan / camilan tersebut antara lain : Kacang telor, Kacang Cokelat, Marning jagung pipih bumbu pedas, Makaroni aneka rasa, Kripik pangsit aneka rasa, Kripik tahu, Kripik stik kentang aneka rasa, Mari wijen, dll.
CASTLE AGRO BATU serving snacks in addition to products other than basic material sourced from fruits and vegetables also provide production snacks / snack general production process we do own and some we do by way of partnerships both groups and individuals take advantage of the potential of human resources area around Batu City in East Java. The light food products / snacks include: nuts eggs, chocolate beans, corn flattened Marning spicy, Macaroni various flavors, various flavors dumplings flakes, flakes out, flakes or potato sticks of different flavors, Mari sesame, etc..
ISTANA AGRO BATU melayani permintaan konsumen terhadap hasil para petani Kota Batu berupa sayuran & buah-buahan antara lain :
- Hasil sayuran Kota Batu : Wortel, Kobis / Kol, Sawi, Sawi putih, Buncis, Kentang, Bunga kol putih, Bunga kol hijau, dll.
- Hasil buah-buahan Kota Batu : Apel, Jeruk, Strawberry.
CASTLE AGRO BATU serve consumer demand results Batu City farmers such as vegetables and fruits, among others:
1. Results Batu vegetables : Carrots, Kobis / Col, mustard, white
mustard, beans, potatoes, white Cauliflower, Cauliflower green, etc..
2. Results Batu fruits: Apples, Oranges, Strawberry.
ISTANA AGRO BATU melayani permintaan konsumen untuk hewan ternak konsumsi & hias hasil budidaya sendiri maupun hasil budidaya para peternak diwilayah Kota Batu Jawa Timur. Antara lain :
- Hewan ternak untuk konsumsi : Ayam kampung, Ayam potong / Broiler, Ikan lele dumbo, dll.
- Hewan ternak untuk hias : Ayam serama, Ayam kate, Kelinci, Hamster, Marmut.
CASTLE AGRO BATU serve consumer demand for livestock consumption and ornamental cultivation itself and ranchers farmed region of Batu City in East Java. Among others:
1. Animals for consumption: Chicken village, Chicken pieces / Broiler,
Fish African catfish, etc..
2. Animals for decoration : serama Chicken, Chicken kate, rabbits,
hamsters, marmots.
ISTANA AGRO BATU selalu melayani dengan mengutamakan kepuasan konsumen serta selalu menjaga kwalitas / mutu produk sesuai permintaan konsumen. Transaksi dapat dilakukan dengan cara via bank (transfer tunai) melalui rekening Bank kami, dan selanjutnya produk permintaan akan kami kirim ke alamat yang dituju (konsumen). Sarana pengiriman akan kami lakukan dengan menggunakan transportasi darat, laut, dan udara sesuai jarak kebutuhan baik antar kota, antar propinsi, maupun antar pulau.
CASTLE AGRO BATU always serve the customer satisfaction and always maintain the quality / quality of products according to consumer demand. Transactions can be done by via bank (cash transfers) through our bank account, and then the demand for our products send to the addressee (customer). Means of delivery will be done by using the transportation by land, sea, and air fit the needs of both the distance between cities, between provinces, and between islands.
ISTANA AGRO BATU sebagai supplier produk-produk minuman & kue khas Kota Batu antara lain : Minuman sari buah : apel, jambu, dll, serta jenang / dodol dari buah-buahan khas Kota Batu hasil produksi industri rumahan / pabrik berbagai merk / label, baik perorangan maupun kelompok di wilayah Kota Batu.
CASTLE AGRO BATU as a supplier of beverage products & cakes Batu include: Drink juice: apple, guava, etc., as well as porridge / lunkhead of a typical fruit Batu City industry production / factory various brands / labels, either individuals and groups in the Batu City.
Kantor : Jl. Hasanudin Kota Batu Jawa Timur.
Telepon : 0341 - 2993706,
Hp : 0341 - 5422062 / 081333287085
email : /
Office : Jl. Hasanudin Batu City in East Java
Telephone : 0341-2993706,
Hp : 0341-5422062 / 081333287085
email : /
Terimakasih anda sudah mengunjungi kami !
Thank you have visited us!
CASTLE AGRO BATU as a supplier of beverage products & cakes Batu include: Drink juice: apple, guava, etc., as well as porridge / lunkhead of a typical fruit Batu City industry production / factory various brands / labels, either individuals and groups in the Batu City.
Kantor : Jl. Hasanudin Kota Batu Jawa Timur.
Telepon : 0341 - 2993706,
Hp : 0341 - 5422062 / 081333287085
email : /
Office : Jl. Hasanudin Batu City in East Java
Telephone : 0341-2993706,
Hp : 0341-5422062 / 081333287085
email : /
Terimakasih anda sudah mengunjungi kami !
Thank you have visited us!